Womens Shelter
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PURPOSE OF COMMITTEE: To provide Christmas trees with trimmings and decorations to as many families that have been through the Women’s Shelter as needed. The Committee will need to Contact the Lompoc Women’s Shelter to find out how many trees are needed. Then, go out and solicit tree donations from local tree lots or growers for as many trees as you can get. (Rite-Aid & Von’s have always been very generous) These people should be approached as early as possible at the beginning of December, as they are solicited by many organizations and give away their limit quickly. Usually, enough trees are donated that the budgeted money is used to buy any decorations or trimmings that are not donated. Decorations and Ornaments are often donated at the 4-H Christmas Party. Ornaments entered in the club's Ornament Contest are donated to this committee to decorate the trees.  DELIVER the trees to the addresses provided by the Shelter. Sometimes they will want to deliver them, but usually, the leader and one or two of the members can. ALL ADDRESSES AND NAMES ARE TO KEPT CONFIDENTIAL!  *Members active on this committee can count this as (J) Committee Member on their PDR  (The Committee Chairs count it under (F) Committee Chairperson) AND under (Y) Community Pride and Service.

Contact Number:  Lompoc Shelter Services for Women  736-0965

Budget: $150.00 - Give all receipts with an Expense Voucher to the club Treasurer for reimbursement - include name of committee and who to make reimbursement to on each receipt.