OF COMMITTEE: To organize the club's annual Pie social.
Usually held after the March Meeting, each family is asked to bring a pie to
share. The Committee members will be responsible for designing, copying,
and mailing flyers to all Lompoc Valley 4-H members and their families.
Flyers should be mailed NO LATER THAN one week before the event. **Members
active on this committee can count it in their Record Book under (J) Committee
Member. (Chairperson counts it under (F) Committee Chairperson).
Contact Person(s): For address labels and stamps for flyers
call Wayne or Doreen Ross at 735-8711 after 3PM
Give all receipts with an Expense Voucher to the club Treasurer for
reimbursement - include name of committee and who to make reimbursement to on
each receipt.