4-H MONTHLY May 2001 ABSENCES: TO BE EXCUSED FROM A COMMUNITY MEETING CALL CHRISTY @ 736-8351 BEFORE Annual County Council Meeting: The County Council’s annual meeting will be held Wednesday night, May 23, at 7:00PM at the Bethania Lutheran Church in Solvang. Dr. Carole MacNeil, the new State 4-H Director, will be our special guest for the evening. Bring your concerns, comments and questions (written on a card if you can), and share your thoughts with Dr. MacNeil. There will also be a sign-up list for clubs to sponsor a county event next year. Our club will be taking a display showing the many things we do in Lompoc Valley 4-H. Holly Williams has offered to be the leader for putting together this display. ALL PROJECTS are asked to contribute photos and/or samples of things you have done to be included in the display. Photos and other items may be taken to Holly at 1499 E. Hwy. 246 or may be brought to the May Community Meeting. For more info call Holly at 735-7626. RECORD BOOK INFO Dates of Remaining workshops to be held at the First Presbyterian Church (1600 E. Berkeley Dr.) at 7PM are:
You must turn in a Record to be eligible to exhibit at the County Fair. The last day to record entries in your record book is May 25. Record Books can be turned in at the May Community Mtg. OR NO LATER THAN 7:00PM Monday, May 28th. Late books will not be eligible for an award. For more info, call Doreen @ 735-8711 or e-mail doreenlr@sbceo.org Please note the following change to your PDR points: There will no longer be ½ points given for bringing a baked good or a toy, food, or ornament donation to a club event. These will be worth a full point provided the MEMBER has either paid for the item or made it themselves. ATTENTION LIVESTOCK
PROJECTS: The County council has appointed a committee to look into the feasibility of creating a Large Livestock Expo in Santa Barbara County 4-H. This program’s objective is to educate and promote a well-rounded 4-H animal project member and encompasses "real world agriculture" concepts. Study guides would be given to all clubs. Testing includes written tests, equipment ID, Fee ID, skills and class judging. Members do not have to own an animal to participate in this program. If you are interested in learning more about having a livestock Expo in S.B. County, call Kathy Thompson 878-7204 or the county office 737-7775 ext. 3330. Anyone interested looking at the materials being used as a model by the committee, call Doreen Ross 735-8711.
Brittley Ranney 5/2 Artie Velasco 5/02 Lana Hayes 5/03 Nicole Phelps 5/03 Dawn Nyswonger 5/06 Brittney Gibbons 5/06 Melissa Marple 5/09 Angela Maciel 5/11 Julie Wilks 5/13 Brianna Grothe 5/16 Kayla Starbuck 5/23 Chelsea Garcia 5/24 Tamera Swartz 5/25 Kimberly Coombs 5/26 Devin Lundy 5/29
FRIDAY, JUNE 29!!! Keep this date open for our annual club awards banquet and auction. The evening will begin with a brief business meeting that will include the installation of the newly elected officers for 2001-2001. Then we will have a delicious barbecue beef dinner (provided by the club) prepared by master BBQ chef, Larry, and his crew. Dinner will be followed by our annual AUCTION! Money made from the auction will go into our club’s general fund for next year. Bring your family and friends for a night of FUN and EXCITEMENT as we see who will get the highest bid! **REMEMBER – our June Community Meeting will be held on JUNE 29th!! WE WANT YOU......To be a club officer in 2001-2002! Voting for next year’s board of officers will take place at the May meeting and our new officers will be installed at the June Banquet. If you did not get a chance to sign up for an office at the April Com. meeting, Call Doreen (735-8711), Bobbie (736-7539 or 736-3178)Nominations so far are: President: Natalie Terrones & Nicole Herrigel (As a team); Melissa Marple 1st Vice President: Miranda Willems 2nd Vice President: Danielle Linse Recording Secretary: Chris Simpson Corresponding Secretary: Megan Larry; Shawna Mann Treasurer: Supply Officer: Kate Sousa Sergeants @ Arms (at least 4): Samantha Aragon; Brianna Grothe; Clayton Williams Recreation Officers (3-4): Courtney Stumpo; Veronica Fletcher Officer @ Large: Historian: Jamie Ross Reporter(s): Jamie Ross County Council Representative: 6th Grade Rep: 7th Grade Rep: Brianna Grothe 8th Grade Rep: Stephanie Marple; Elissa Lewis 5th Grade Rep:COMMITTEE OPPORTUNITIES June Meals-on-Wheels June Banquet Setup/Decorating & Cleanup Adopt-An Area @ Fair Fair Booth (leader needed) Record Book Judging – Preliminary level Record Book Judging – Award level (NOTE – Members in the 9th grade or older may judge record books at the Preliminary level only.)
Fashion Review by Brianna Grothe The 4-H Fashion Review was held on April 29, 2001 at the Santa Barbara Fair and Expo **Note: Watch for Jamie, Kate, Courtney and Brianna to model their creations at the S.B. County Fair this July!!