Annual 4-H Awards Banquet & Auction Lompoc Valley 4-H Club will hold it's annual Awards Banquet and Auction on Friday, June 29th at the Lompoc Grange Hall. The evening begins at 6:00. Please come early so members can get signed in. This is a fun filled evening that will include a short business meeting, installation of the newly elected officers for 2001-2002, Award program, a delicious BBQ beef dinner, and finally, our annual Auction fundraiser. Members and their families are encouraged to bring an item to be auctioned. Proceeds from the auction go directly into the club's general fund to help support our activities in the coming year. There is always new and wonderful stuff to bid on, so bring your cash or checkbook and get ready for a FUN event. _________________________________________________________________________ June 29, 2001 Agenda 5:45 - Sign In / 6:00 SHARP - Call to Order *Salute to Arms - Sergeant @ Arms *Introduce Guests / *Happy Birthday - Recreation Leaders *Committee Sign ups - 2nd vice President *Reports - Officers, Leaders, Members, Other *Old Business - Elect Historians, Dog Show *New Business - Installation of 2002 Officers *Members & Leaders of the month - 2nd Vice President Announcements - Adjournment Awards Presentations - BBQ Dinner - Auction ________________________________________________________________________ ABSENCES: To be excused from the June meeting, call Christy Blocker at 736-8351 _______________________________________________________________________ NEW Officers for 2001-2002: President: Melissa Marple 1st Vice President: Miranda Willems 2nd Vice President: Danielle Linse Secretary: Elizabeth Ross Treasurer: Julie Wilks Supply Officer: Kate Sousa Corres. Sec: Shawna Mann Reporter: Jamie Ross Sergeants @ Arms: Samantha Aragon, Kelley Rodgers, Clayton Williams, Nolan Williams Recreation Leaders: Veronica Fletcher, Courtney Stumpo, Brian Horenberger 6th Grade Rep: Courtney Herrigel 7th Grade Rep: Brianna Grothe 8th Grade Rep: Elissa Lewis WE STILL NEED TO FILL THE OFFICES FOR 5TH GRADE REPRESENTATIVE, AND COUNTY COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES (2) IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN HOLDING ONE OF THESE POSITIONS, CALL BOBBIE AT 736-3178 OR DOREEN AT 735-8711 ____________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU. . .BY Courtney STUMPO I want to thank the pig leaders, Larry Wilks and Joel Daltorio, and their families for all the help with my sick pig. the weekend after Exhibit Day, my pig couldn't move. He was lying on his side and shaking. He was dying. We called Larry and Joel and they have been out to our house every day. In the beginning it was about 3 or 4 times a day trying to get my pig better. My pig got a lot of care and a total of 7 shots. He's doing much better now. they saved my pig and that shows dedication above and beyond leadership. THANK YOU!! _________________________________________________________________________ HAPPY BIRTHDAY. . . Corinne Satterfield 6/01 Rochelle Chavez 6/03 Summer Howard 6/06 Tiffany Larsen 6/07 Clayton Williams 6/22 Tyler Smeester 6/10 Farin Long 6/18 Isabel Stone 6/21 Cody Velasco 6/25 Christy Blocker 7/02 Ida Naughton 7/02 Kelsey Adams 7/02 Shawna Mann 7/09 Kiera Grothe 7/09 Megan Hart 7/16 Brandon Nicastro 7/16 Jamie Cummings 7/18 Ryan Gibbons 7/20 Garrett Lopes 7/21 Cody Eden 7/24 Lauren Lopes 7/24 Paul DeVaux 7/26 Megan Larry 7/24 Francesca Kesteran 7/29 ___________________________________________________________________________ |