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OF COMMITTEE: Plan and organize the club’s
annual Halloween Party! This is usually held at a local ranch. Snacks are
usually potluck, drinks provided by the club (via the committee). In past years
it has been asked that members bring a canned food item to be donated to the
local Food Pantry as admission to the party. Past activities have included a
Haunted House, Haunted Hay Ride, dancing, costume contest, pumpkin decorating
contest, pumpkin carving contest, and assorted carnival games. The party
can be anything the committee wants it to be! Members
active on this committee can count this as (J) Committee Member OR
as (T) "Planned Group Activity" on their PDR.
BUDGET: $ 300.00
- Give all receipts with an Expense Voucher to the club Treasurer for
reimbursement - include name of committee and who to make reimbursement to on
each receipt.