PURPOSE OF COMMITTEE: Plan, build, and ride on (or walk alongside) the club’s annual Christmas Parade Entry. The entry can be on a flatbed trailer to be pulled behind a truck; in the back of a large truck; it can be smaller wagons pulled by members; members dressed up as presents, ornaments, Xmas characters, etc., – ANYTHING the committee wants it to be! Music can be played from a boom box, or portable stereo of some type, members can sing carols if they wish, BE CREATIVE and HAVE FUN with it!!! *Members active on this committee can count this in their Record Books under (J) Committee Member OR (I) Other 4-H Representation on their PDR. The Committee Chair counts it under (F) Committee Chairperson. If the entry wins and award, it goes under (X) Other Group Achievement. BUDGET: $ 150.00 - Give all receipts with an Expense Voucher to the club Treasurer for reimbursement - include name of committee and who to make reimbursement to on each receipt. |