Annual County Council Meeting:
The County
Council’s annual meeting will be held Wednesday night, May 23, at
7:00PM. Special guest will be the new State 4-H director. ALL members
are encouraged to show off your talents. Entertainment can include
singing, dance routines, musical instruments, talks, demos, short skits,
etc. Each act will be limited to 3 minutes maximum. Interested
members see Doreen for an entry form. Each club is also asked to share
information about what they are doing. Displays can include
project information, community service activities, parties, special
events, etc.
CAMP WAHOO! Jr. Counselors:
If you are 14
years old (or will be by August
6, 2001) you can be a Jr. Counselor at Camp
Wahoo! Jr. counselors are responsible for working with a Counselor in
leadership of a cabin. There will be a screening Day for Jr. Counselors
on April 22, 2001.. Applicants must bring their applications to
the screening day. Applications and more information are available from
the county office (737-7775 ext. 3330) or from Doreen Ross 7.35-8711.
The County Record Book Committee will hold a training
night on April 10, at 7:30PM at Olga Reed School. Each club is to send
one or more representatives to be sure they understand the requirements
for sending books on to for county awards. Members wishing to send
their books to county should attend this meeting.
Leaders, Volunteers, Parents:
The California 4-H State Leader’s Forum is held in
November each year at the beautiful Asilomar Conference grounds near
Monterey. Registration forms are now available. All leaders, parents and
volunteers may attend. For more information call the county 4-H office
737-7775 ext. 3330 or Doreen @ 735-8711.
The County council has appointed a committee to look
into the feasibility of creating a Large Livestock Expo in Santa Barbara
County 4-H. This program’s objective is to educate and promote a more
well rounded 4-H animal project member and encompasses "real world
agriculture concepts". Included in such a program would be level
achievement county awards based on competency of knowledge, feed and
equipment identification, fitting and showmanship skills and specie
evaluations. Study guides would be given to all clubs. Testing includes
written tests, equipment ID, Fee ID, skills and class judging. Members
do not have to own an animal to participate in this program. If you
are interested in learning more about having a livestock Expo in S.B.
County, call Kathy Thompson 878-7204 or the county office 737-7775 ext.
HORSING AROUND: by Sonja Janos
From October through March we have
done grooming and saddle. The 2nd year members taught
the "1st years" how to groom and saddle the horse.
Ellie showed all "2nd years" how to make a bolin
knot. Ellie also helped us pick out good hay and bad hay. We have all
learned how to do our trail, showmanship and equitation, to help us get
ready for Horsemastership & Nojoqui Exhibit Day. She had "2nd
Years" teach the "1st years" how to use &
put on a blanket. So this is what we learned over this year, and taught
this year.

For Sale: 1970
ALJO 20-ft Trailer semi self-contained $800 obo. Also 2 Lambs $75 each.
Call 736-7956

Tea Holt 4/01
Brittany Cox 4/20
Masson Blow 4/02
Justin Bunderson 4/23
Domingos 4/06 Audrey Barrett 4/23
Ryan Nogle 4/07
Chris Larsen 4/29
Elise Bittle 4/14
Elissa Lewis 4/28
Valerie Gibbs 4/15
Lindsay Arevalos 4/29
Camille Hessler 4/18
Courtney Stumpo 4/26
Kirk Blocker - 4/18
Kate Sousa 4/29

YES! There is help in understanding your record
books. I know that many new members have been worried about how to do a
good record book. So that everyone who needs or wants help can attend at
least one of the sessions, I have scheduled workshops on 4 different
At these workshops, we will fill out your PDR (Personal Development
Report) with all the 4-H activities you have participated in this past
year. Be sure to bring a pencil (with eraser) and a parent. If you have
a "practice" PDR, please bring it or a couple sheets of lined
paper with sections labeled C,D,E…all the way to Z. All workshops will
be held at the First Presbyterian Church (1600 E. Berkeley Dr.) at 7PM
in the evening. The dates of the workshops are:
April 25
Friday, May 4
Tuesday May 8
 | Thursday
May 10
Members who cannot attend one of the workshops may
call me and I will work out a way to help you with your book. You must
turn in a Record to be eligible to exhibit at the County Fair. The last day to record entries in your record
book is May 25. Record Books will be due
NO LATER THAN 7:00PM Monday, May 28th. Late books
will not be accepted. For more info, call Doreen @ 735-8711 or