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Project leaders are adult volunteers, sometimes parents/guardians of members. They are interested in young people, and they:

bulletHelp members plan and organize their project work.
bulletHelp members organize and conduct project meetings.
bulletObtain project literature and distribute materials.
bulletEncourage members to set attainable measurable objectives and develop their own standards for project work, according to their abilities and interests.
bulletKeep members informed about project-related events in which they are eligible to participate; give members ideas on how to prepare for these events if they need help.
bulletGive recognition for any kind of progress to encourage continued improvement.
bulletSpend some time at the end of the each year with each member showing them how to measure and evaluate the overall progress made in the project.
bulletTalk with parents of members who need extra help or who have problems working with other members.
bulletParticipate in leaders’ meetings, keeping the organizational leader informed of their own group’s work and progress.
bulletDelegate work to junior and teen leaders.